Architectural Services

Schematic Design
Once you have hired Jay Madden Architect to design your project, work will begin by conducting thorough zoning and building code research, surveying the existing building conditions (for renovations and/or additions) and preparing rough plans illustrating the general scope, scale and relationship of the project components. Early designs have a simple, skeletal character, and typically several different options will be prepared for your review. After meeting to get your input and opinion, the schematic designs will be refined, and rough elevations will be prepared as well.

Design Development
Once a schematic design has been agreed upon and approved, the design will continue to be developed with more detailed, larger scaled plans, elevations, and site planning. During this time, a preliminary cost estimate for construction will be prepared to ensure that your project is still within your budget.

Construction Documents
Once the design has been finalized, construction drawings, specifications, and other detailed documents required for bidding, permits, and construction will be prepared. This can include electrical plans, building sections, structural plans, and any details needed for construction. Structural design is performed in house, but when necessary a consulting structural engineer is retained to review and approve plans, or details as required.

Bidding and Negotiations
We can assist in obtaining bids for the construction of your project, and can help select contractors that will best match your budget, levels of quality, and timeframe. We will work to assure bidder accuracy and initial project coordination, and once a contractor is selected, can provide assistance in preparing construction contracts as required.

Assistance is available during the construction phase, from an as-needed only basis to routine site visits. Services can include method and material verifications, application for payment approvals, mechanical and electrical walk-throughs, coordination of a "punch list" for finish work, and sealed "as-built" drawings for public record and issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to call or email anytime.